Company History

TCQ has been continuously working with numerous fashion and textile designers for the past 12 yrs, growing from a 2 staff member team to a company of over a hundred employees.

Director's short history
- Mr. Gabriel Scarvelli
- Mr. Andy Do

Recognizing the changes in the economic world as wage rises swept through the west, both Directors of TCQ decided to move to Asia more than 12 yrs ago to deliver cost effective superior products and have been operating effectively since then.

Our aim is not only to provide the best possible services to Designers, offering appropriate suggestions to existing ideas but also ensuring brand signature. Our stringent privacy policy, guarantee 100% confidentiality to all clients on their designs. We believe designs are intellectual property rightfully belonging to our clients which shall never be revealed to a third party.

Company Philosophy
- Past is Experience.
- Present is Experiment.
- Future is Expectation.

We use our experience in our experiment to achieve your expectations... on Time, Cost and Quality!